The Innovation (+) Incubator
Giving You the Resources, Guidance and Community Support You Need to Unleash Your Innovation and Change the World.
It’s no secret that times are tough right now. These past few years have come with its fair share of challenges and have created a slew of new obstacles for people worldwide.
Thousands of individuals in the workforce have been temporarily or permanently laid off – leaving them unable to support themselves or their family essentially overnight.
That said, even with all of the unforeseen tragedy swirling around the globe,
something magical began to happen – society began to adapt.
People shifted and pivoted and started creating a way “out of no way.” They tapped into their innovative spirit and are now seeing opportunities that were once out of view.
While hard times are unavoidable and many times, out of your control – the ability to bounce back is completely within your power. Resiliency is possible and creating an even better life for yourself, despite challenges, is possible.
With the right mindset, tools and guidance, you can (and will) create your dream life.
As a Forbes Leadership Coach, Tech Founder, Harvard University Guest Lecturer, and Innovator of the Year, I’ve been helping people unlock their full potential for years, and I want to do the same for you when you join me for the Innovation (+) Incubator.
The program is exclusively for entrepreneurs, leaders, tech founders, and influencers who want to win in an ever-changing world.
The Innovation (+) Incubator covers the lessons, step-by-step guidance, community support, mentoring and no-fluff coaching you need to:
Tap into and embrace your ability to pivot in the face of adversity.
Examine your environment and find ways to rise as a leader in any setting.
Position yourself to leverage the limitless opportunities around you.
During our time together, we’ll cover three core module topics to ensure you’re fully prepared to activate your innovation when you graduate from the program.
Module #1: AI, Innovation and Product Development (Positioning It for the Right
During Module #1, you’ll gain in-depth guidance on conceptualizing, designing
and developing a prototype, leveraging available resources to bring your vision to life and secure funding for your product.
You’ll also get an AI playbook introduction to lead through disruptive change and all the information you need to ensure your product is “investor-
ready” and insight into raising seed capital and examining the viability of different types of angel investors, venture capitalists and more.
Module #2: Building Your Brand Story and Pricing
During Module #2, you’ll get insider information on developing an irresistible
brand story that attracts raving fans. This module covers how to define your brand
vision and mission, identify your target audience and create a unique selling
proposition that speaks to your audience’s needs and desires.
You’ll find out how to price and position your product for the marketplace, explore critical buyer trends and craft a sellable message across vital sales and marketing channels.
You’ll also conduct a comprehensive assessment of your expenses, pricing and profit margins to ensure you build your brand on a sustainable foundation.
Lastly, you’ll get the coaching you need to present your brand to potential customers and partners with confidence.
Module #3: Business Planning, Modeling and Protecting Your Intellectual
Property (IP)
During Module #3, you’ll receive a detailed outline of the various types of
business models, a success blueprint and easy-to-follow insight on how to use
copyrights, trademarks and patents to protect your IP rights.
You’ll also discover how to address IP disputes, register your patents, trademarks and copyrights on time and gain access to little-known yet highly affordable ways to trademark your brand portfolio.
PLUS, you’ll gain access to TWO bonus sessions covering A) how to organize your home and office like a multimillion dollar CEO and B) an in-depth Q&A with a successful innovator.
Now, while I can easily charge at least $10,000 for this extensive program.
I’m enrolling students into the Spring cohort for just $3500.
You can also upgrade to the Incubator (+) which is a 6 month program for only $6,750 (payable in full OR in four
Listen, people worldwide are waiting for you to unleash your innovation and
change their lives for the better.
Enroll in the Innovation (+) Incubator today and let me connect you to the right people and give you the guidance, strategies and insight you need to reinvent yourself and business as an innovator. Innovation (+) Incubator adds two modules and is perfect for experienced entrepreneurs and contracting companies with work history, seeking to enhance portfolio services with tech service and development offerings.